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Meeting Oct. 20 for Torrence Chapel/Catawba intersection

A public meeting on possible improvements to the Torrence Chapel/West Catawba Avenue intersection will be held on Thursday Oct. 20 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Town Hall. Residents are encouraged to attend and discuss the proposed alternatives being considered. The Town is partnering with NCDOT on the study. WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff will run the meeting and provide a presentation at 6:30. Following the consultants’ presentation, people can ask questions and review alternatives. Assistant Town Manager Andrew Grant said the Torrence Chapel intersection is one of the two “bookends” won either side of the Exit 28 DDI. Because of their close proximity, there is sometimes congestion. The options will explore means of reducing that congestion. Town will be attend the meeting in the Town Hall Assembly Room.