Dr. William F. Wright, a psychiatrist with Atrium Health, will be the Newsmakers Breakfast speaker June 19 at The Peninsula Club. The subject is medical marijuana and CBD oil.

The Q&A over breakfast will take an unbiased, scientific look at the growing use and sale of cannabis-derived oils and medical claims.
Wright, one of only two addiction psychiatrists with Atrium, is an assistant professor at the Sandra and Leon Levine Psychiatry Residence Program at the UNC School of Medicine.
Newsmakers Breakfasts, which cost $12 to attend, are open-forum Q&As with people who make the news. Anyone can ask a question.
Doors open at 7:15 a.m. for networking. The buffet-style breakfast gets under way at 7:30 a.m.
The Q&A begins at 8:05 a.m. and concludes at 9 a.m. The $12 cost includes a full country breakfast.
Reserve a seat by calling 704-895-1335 with Visa or MasterCard.
The Presenting Sponsor is Ckezepis Law Firm, based in Huntersville.
The Breakfast Sponsors are Jack’s Corner Tap and KS Audio Video, both in Cornelius.
Coffee Sponsors include Cornelius-based Aquesta Bank, Allen Tate Realtors Dixie Dean and Christina Stone and James Funeral Home in Huntersville.