May 11. By Dave Yochum. While North Carolina had 15,045 coronavirus cases on Monday—up from 13,868 on Friday—the number of people hospitalized is leveling off, according to the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services.
Some 550 people have died statewide. To view the NCDHHS data, click here.
The total number of people hospitalized as of Monday morning at 10:30 am is 464, down from 515 on Friday and 525 on Thursday. The state was averaging just over 500 daily hospitalizations over the last seven days on Sunday.
On Tuesday last week, there were 534 people hospitalized due to COVID-19.
Mecklenburg County, according to the NDHHS, has 2,134 known cases of COVID-19 and 62 deaths, up one from yesterday.
Autumn Care in Cornelius, with 18 deaths reported as of Friday, accounts for 29 percent of all COVID-19 deaths in Mecklenburg County, regardless of age.
The increase comes as both state and local health officials say testing for COVID-19 has increased. About 7 percent to 8 percent of tests are coming back positive, according to NCDHHS.
The NCDHHS data show 195,865 tests have been performed, up from 151,800 on Tuesday of last week.