Oct. 20. Taylor Morrison Homes – the project developer – proposes to develop the five and half-acre site with 78 townhomes located along Jetton Street, Catawba Avenue and Hamilton Street.
This development will fill in a set of vacant industrial and occupied residential lots that comprised the old Hoke Lumber site and adjacent residences.
The proposed plan includes a new street – Park Drive – connecting Jetton Street to Catawba Avenue. It also includes a number of interconnected public open spaces, preserved trees, a the construction of alleys and improvements to existing streets.
The project team will host a public input session event on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 from 5-6:30 pm via Zoom. The project team will deliver an overview presentation at 5:05 pm and 5:45 pm, with time allotted for questions following each presentation; staff will be present on the call to answer questions and facilitate the meeting.
Additional information about the application is available here.