230 S. Main St. is a 1,679-square-foot property on a 9,583-square-foot lot with three bedrooms and one bathroom. Redfin estimates the home’s value at $478,500.
Oct. 12. The town of Davidson was recently received a $15,000 grant by the State Historic Preservation Office for a conditions assessment and building use study for the Sloan House, 230 S. Main St.
The completed study will be used to ascertain the current material health of the building, form recommendations for ongoing maintenance, and brainstorm possible adaptive reuse strategies sensitive to the building’s historic character.
This study will be useful in deciding the future of Sloan House, as town administrative offices relocate to 251 South St. in the coming months.
Grant funds are made available through a 2022 federal Historic Preservation Fund grant to Certified Local Governments from the National Park Service, administered by the State Historic Preservation Office.