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Cornelius News

Funds for planning a new Exit 27 will be discussed at Town Board meeting

Exit 27 layout from 2015

Dec. 2. By Dave Vieser. At the Cornelius Town Board meeting tonight, commissioners will be exploring a federal grant which could be used to jumpstart planning for an Exit 27 on I-77.

Local government and business officials have been advocating a new exit for many years near the Westmoreland Road crossover, to relieve traffic in Cornelius. While the NCDOT has not yet identified the project for funds, a RAISE federal planning grant might provide a pathway to get the project going.

The possibility of using federal funds for an Exit 27 planning project were raised by The Ferguson Group of Mooresville, which prepared a federal legislative agenda for the town board’s consideration at the Dec. 2 meeting.


“Based on a meeting with the US Department of Transportation’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program staff, we believe a RAISE Planning Grant is currently the best fit for the project,” the Ferguson report says.


Planning grants can be used to fund pre-construction activities, such as planning, preparation, or design, although right of way acquisition or construction are not eligible. The Town could request up to $25 million in planning funds and could partner with NCDOT and Atrium on the project.

Atrium will complete the new $255 million hospital on Hwy. 21 adjacent to the proposed exit this coming year.

The meeting will begin at 6 pm in Town Hall on Catawba Avenue. It will also be streamed via the town web site: www.cornelius.org.The town board will also vote on the 2025 meeting schedule.