OMB rendering: Brewery, beer garden and residences
Sept. 1. By Dave Vieser. Despite opposition from Antiquity residents, the Planning Department has recommended that the Planning Board approve the Greenway Gartens and Caroline projects. Taken together, the developers would include 720 residential units—80 fewer than the original proposal for 800 units.
The developments would be mixed-use in nature with both residential and commercial components, consisting of the following:
Greenway Gartens: 346 Multi-family residential units, 14 single-family attached townhomes, a 14,000 square-foot brewery, restaurant/brewpub, tap room, a 10,000 square-foot indoor events/gathering facility, and other commercial uses totaling 10,000 square feet.

Caroline site plan
Caroline: 180 age-restricted multi-family residential units, plus 110 unrestricted multi-family residential units, plus 70 additional age restricted units to be built in a second, later phase. The second phase would also include other commercial uses up
to 62,500 square feet.
In the staff memo, the town said their approval was based on the developers agreeing to a lengthy list of conditions, many of which include enhancements to traffic control in the area.
The two projects will be the subject of a special planning board meeting on Thursday, Sept. 2 at 6:30 pm at Town Hall.
The planning board can take one of three steps
1. Recommend approval to the Town Board.
2. Recommend denial to the Town Board.
3. Table one or both of the proposals.
The first two would be recommendations to the commissioners. (The Town Board is not required to follow as per town law.)

Wayne Herron
A vote to table on Sept. 2 would raise an entirely different situation, according to Deputy Town Manager Wayne Herron.
“If the Planning Board tables either of the applications on Sept. 2 the Town Board cannot consider that application of Sept. 7,” he said. The Town Board is required to receive a recommendation from the Planning Board before making their final consideration.”
The Sept. 2 meeting will take place at Town Hall on Catawba Avenue. The meeting will be live streamed on the towns web site www.cornelius.org. To watch the meeting live, access the link “watch meetings online.”