Photo by Jason Benavides
March 4. By Dave Vieser. The Town Board agenda Monday evening featured detailed presentations by two developers but the largest number of speakers Monday evening were residents who remain opposed to a business center on Bailey Road.
Developer Drew Thigpen outlined a number of reasons why he believes that his project should be approved by the town.
“We reduced the number of buildings from five to four, we’re offering to pay for the installation of a left-turn lane at Bailey and 115, and we are including 4,600 feet of walking trails and sidewalks—all at no cost to the town,” Thigpen told a full house.
Most wanted no part of the deal. “I urge you to not approve this project,” said resident Paul Herbert. “It would be only 1,500 feet from Bailey Middle School and across the street from a very busy Bailey Park. If this project is approved it will open the door to adjacent development—not good for Bailey Road.”
Monday’s presentation by the developer was part of a series of meetings which are required by the town before a rezoning can be approved. No votes were taken.
Dates for additional hearings before the town Planning Board and Town Board will be announced in future weeks.
Things went much smoother for developer Matt Greco, who is seeking approval to build a commercial project on 12.8 acres of land located on the east side of Statesville Road, north of Westmoreland Road, currently occupied by two homes. He would like to construct approximately 48,000 square feet of commercial flex space and 21 “barn-dominium” units. No opposition was voiced about his proposal.
As with the Business Center proposal, dates for future meetings will be announced.
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