Artist rendering of the Sloan House after an ‘adaptive reuse’
March 4. The Town of Davidson and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission are looking for a buyer with a vision for the Louise Sloan House, a historic single-family home just south of downtown.
The property is designated as part of a local historic district and is also listed as a contributing structure to the Davidson National Register Historic District.
“It is a one and one-half story framed dwelling with a complex roof structure. A high hipped roof covers the main block of the building, and has a projecting front-gabled wing, two projecting side gabled wings, a bay window dormer and a rear ell all extending out from it. The entire structure is still covered with its original pressed tin roof. Two brick interior chimneys rise up through the hipped section of the roof. The exterior of the house is weatherboarded, and still has some of its decorative wood trim, including spindled brackets and sawn brackets. The front porch retains its turned wood columns and balusters and sawn brackets.”
The ultimate objective is for the completed Sloan House project to become an aesthetically appealing historic asset for Davidson, an active and vibrant contributor to the local economy, and a visible connection between Davidson’s historic downtown core and the South Main Street business district.
Requests for Proposals, which would include a reasonable timeframe for completing the renovations and financial resources, are due by 5 pm Friday, May 2.
Interested? View the Sloan House RFP and supplemental materials at www.townofdavidson.org/sloanhouse.
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