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Cornelius News

Davidson Home Sales

$1,550,000 | 1029 Churchill Road

March 21. These property transactions have been recorded by the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds. 

01/23/2024 $1,375,000 Copper Builders to Shawn & David Williams, 835 Naples Dr.

01/28/2024 $1,350,000 Uday & Vinita Deshpande to Mark Boomgarden, Lot 194 River Run

01/31/2024 $295,000 HC Davidson Walk LLC to Purcell Bonesteel, 723 Beaty St.

01/31/2024 $705,000 Thomas Armstrong to Olga & Arturo Roberts, 421 O’Henry Ave.

01/31/2024 $1,300,000 Timothy & Tonya Sullivan to Matthew & Eleanor Gordon, 836 Patrick Johnston Ln.

02/06/2025 $350,000 Trustees of Davidson College to Aarushi Bhandari & Kevin McElrath, 167 Morrison Hill Rd.

02/07/2025 $1,249,000 Kathryn & Derek Miller to Jeannine & Kirby Miner, 18621 Rollingdale Ln.

02/10/2025 $360,500 Douglas Farms to Trustees of Davidson College, 2147 Grey Rd.

02/10/2025 $355,000Ann Ganis to Paul & Stacy Sapp, 211 Northwest Dr.  Unit 32

02/13/2025 $342,500 Scott & Patricia Abell to Trustees of Davidson College, 184 Morrison Hill Rd.

02/14/2025 $615,000 Jon & Tara Gerber to Rishab Sud & Lana O’Neill 19935 Wooden Tee Dr.

02/18/2025 $1,550,000 Christopher & Emilia Rally to Raisa Johann Durrani, 1029 Churchill Rd.

02/18/2025 $550,000 Davidson Woods Bowman to Linnane Construction, Lot 24 – 19036 Newburg Hill Rd. And Lot 25 – 19040 Newburg Hill Rd.


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