June 15. By Dave Vieser. Striking a more collegial tone than Cornelius, the Davidson Town Board nevertheless took their mayor to task Tuesday evening June 14 for not telling them about his meeting in Raleigh on HB 954 which would cancel the I-77 Cintra/ toll lane contract. Commissioners voted 5-0 in favor of a formal resolution expressing unhappiness that Mayor John Woods traveled to Raleigh with Cornelius Mayor Chuck Travis to meet with the Senate leadership on the highly charged issue, without notifying them first.

“We may not always see eye to eye on every issue,” said Commissioner Jim Fuller ” but we are most upset because the Mayor did not give us the courtesy of telling us about his plans to meet with the Senate leader before it happened.” Woods had no comment after the vote was taken.
The meeting which included Travis, Woods and Berger among others, has become a lightning rod for anti-toll supporters since both Woods and Travis told Berger there was minimal support for canceling the toll lane contract with Cintra. HB 954 has passed the House but is currently being held in the Senate’s Transportation Committee.