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Cornelius News

COVID-19 update Sept. 21

Sept. 21. The NC Dept. of Health & Human Services is reporting 4,381 new cases of the coronavirus statewide and fewer new deaths—35 statewide since yesterday—and none in Mecklenburg County.


Hospitalizations rose to 3,464 statewide, from 3,323 in Monday’s NCDHHS report.


Positive tests are running at 11 percent statewide, in line with the past week


In Mecklenburg County, there were 563 new cases in today’s report. There were no new COVID deaths reported countywide, including Huntersville. The NCDHHS also revised downward—by one—the number of cases in Davidson, so today’s total is less than yesterday’s.

North Mecklenburg (change from Monday)

Cornelius: 10 new cases, 3,750 cumulative total, 28 deaths cumulative total.

Davidson: 0 new cases, 2,179 cumulative total, 15 deaths cumulative total.

Huntersville: 42 new cases, 8,161 cumulative total, 64 deaths cumulative total.