Nov. 9. The Cornelius Animal Shelter is open again to the pubic after a modified schedule and procedures through the worst to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hours are 11 am – 1 pm and 3 – 5 pm Tuesdays through Fridays; 9 am to noon Saturdays; and daily, depending on availaibility of staff, with an appointment.
The public is allowed in during those hours or appointments can be made for those worried about crowds.

Meet Smokey
Smokey is a 4 year old male, terrier mix that desperately wants love and attention. He is of medium energy, very friendly, enjoys long walks and loves sitting in your lap. Smokey is active, playful and a happy little guy. He enjoys being around the other dogs here at the Shelter but seems to like the dogs similar to his size the best. Courtesy Cornelius Animal Shelter
“We are still scheduling owner surrenders, as we’ve seen an uptick in them and are doing our best not to get overran at one time,” Trey Nodine, animal control officer, says.
Volunteers are back helping out seven days a week.
The shelter’s biggest needs are clumping cat litter, kitten food, and paper towels/cleaning supplies. “However, we will gladly take any other donations,” he said.
Available pets can be found on the shelter’s website and