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Cornelius News

Community meeting on Downtown Master Plan is March 26

Feb. 27. The Town of Cornelius will host a Downtown Master Plan community meeting 5 pm to 7:30 pm Wednesday, March 26.

The goal of the meeting is to share progress on the plan, as well as gather feedback from the public on the draft core area, branding and transportation designs.

To read up on the master plan, click here.


The Town has hired planning and design experts from Kimley-Horn to help develop a unified vision for downtown that builds on existing assets and incorporates the feedback of citizens and local leaders.

The plan will address topics such as the types and intensity of uses, architectural design, open spaces and trees, transportation and parking, pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, and special events.

The long-term road map is expeccted to demonstrate our rich history, bolster existing assets and create space for new improvements.

Attend: The event will be held in the Community Room at Town Hall March 26 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.



One Response to “Community meeting on Downtown Master Plan is March 26”

  1. Great opportunity for neighbors to learn about the future plans of Downtown Cornelius. The best feedback we can give is based on being informed!

    Posted by Scott Reynolds | March 3, 2025, 7:29 am

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