May 27. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools’ calendar for the upcoming school year shows classes beginning Aug. 17, as per a statewide order, but they’ll go virtual during the Republican National Convention.
The driving factor during the RNC is traffic and other logistical challenges—if the convention takes place here as planned.
CMS planned to avoid convention logistics by starting school on Aug. 31. But the state legislature wanted the additional days of instruction to make up for the impact of the stay-at-home order during this spring.

“The amended calendar for next school year has several aspects that will be good for students and families,” said Elyse Dashew, Board chair. “We’ll have first-semester exams before the winter break and school finished by Memorial Day.
The new calendar for the 2020-21 school year was approved by the CMS board Tuesday.
The district will use the five-state required remote learning days Aug. 24-27. The last day of school next year is May 28.
To view next year’s calendar, click here.