Christmas in Davidson | Grand Central Academy Facebook page
Dec. 12. Christmas in Davidson drew more than 50,000 people during the three nights it was held earlier this month, a spokeswoman and Mayor Rusty Knox say.
“We have always tried to have activities along Main Street to help spread the crowd out and give people more options of things to do,” says Kim Fleming, economic development director.
The carousel, a stage and vendors market were in or near the South Main area. Food trucks / booths and vendors also filled spots in the Town Hall parking lot and along Main Street in the downtown. The Davidson United Methodist Church performed the nativity play as usual.
During a debrief on the Dec. 1-3 event, officials discussed security measures and what else the town can do to keep everyone safe at an event this size.
“There is a tremendous amount of planning that goes on behind the scenes with our Police and Fire Departments and Public Works staff,” she says.

Christmas in Davidson 2022 | Town of Davidson

Christmas in Davidson 2022 | Town of Davidson

Christmas in Davidson 2022 | Town of Davidson