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Cornelius News

CATS debuts new microtransit service

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Feb. 24. By Dave Yochum. CATS Micro is up and running in North Meck with one-way trips for $2.20 within Cornelius, Davidson and Huntersville. Riders can go as far south as Northlake Mall.

They’re “on-demand trips,” which mean a passenger can access service weekdays, 6 am to 7 pm and weekends, 7 am to 7 pm.

It’s like a ride-sharing service, but it’s considered public transit. CATS has partnered with Spare and MV transportation to operate the vans and another company to integrate the app into the CATS pass system.


The wait time is intended to be no more than 30 minutes from the time of reservation to the time of pickup from a requested location, although traffic delays may impact these times.

All CATS Micro trips must be scheduled through the CATS-Pass app or arranged by calling the CATS Customer Service at 704-336-7433 on the day of service.

Customers will not be able to hail a CATS Micro vehicle from the curb.


Mayor Knox

“I hope residents that have long complained about wait times and length of time on the Village Rider will embrace this pilot program. If successful, the potential for expanding the travel zones will be a great asset for us all.”

—Rusty Knox, mayor of Davidson

The CATS Micro ribbon cutting ceremony took place at Cornelius Park and Ride lot on Feb. 21. Elected officials from Charlotte, Cornelius, Huntersville and Davidson were in attendance / Photos by Jason Benavides


2 Responses to “CATS debuts new microtransit service”

  1. Pickup any requested location in Cornelius, Davidson or Huntersville? Same with drop off? If so this is fantastic for families, husband and wife, where there is a spouse that can no longer drive.

    Posted by Gar Van Doren | February 24, 2025, 12:44 pm
  2. This is a fabulous service being provided for our community. THANK YOU!!!

    Posted by Deb Coppa | February 24, 2025, 2:53 pm

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