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This category contains 246 posts

Save The Date: The Candidates Debate and Old-Fashioned BBQ

Cornelius Today hosts the candidates for five seats on the Town Board. We ask them questions, you eat BBQ and slaw. More info to come.


Commissioner Bruce Trimbur announces move

July 20. Cornelius Town Commissioner Bruce Trimbur, who was appointed to the board to fill a vacancy left by John Bradford, announced Monday that he and his wife will be moving away from Cornelius.  Trimbur is the lone sitting commissioner to not file to run this fall. He issued this statement to the media: “In June/May […]

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Mayor Travis running unopposed. Only seven people running for five seats on Town Board. Travis develops plan for alternative to Cintra

  July 17. Mayor Chuck Travis will run unopposed for another term. Filing for public office closed this afternoon, with four incumbents and three political hopefuls running for the non-partisan board of commissioners. Incumbent Bruce Trimbur, who was appointed to the board when John Bradford went to the NC House of Representatives, is not running. […]


Thurman Ross files for re-election

July 16. Long-time Commissioner Thurman Ross has filed to run for another term on the Cornelius Town Board. He lost by a mere three votes in 2011, but was re-elected to the five-man board in 2013. He is the only African-American on the town’s governing body and for many years was the only member from […]


Another candidate emerges for Town Board

July 14. With just three days left to file, it looks like there are only three non-incumbents running for Town Board, and so far, no one has stepped up to run against Cornelius Mayor Chuck Travis who has a formidable $33,000 in his campaign warchest. During the nonpartisan elections two years ago, there were a […]


Town Board approves changes in quasi-judicial hearings

July 14. By Dave Vieser. The Cornelius Town Board unanimously approved a series of changes in our quasi-judicial hearing process, which will help the town conform with changes adopted during the past two years by the State Legislature. Chief among the changes will be keeping the 4/5ths super majority for variances, but amending all other quasi-judicial […]


Town Board to consider changes in quasi-judicial hearings

At the upcoming July 13 meeting, the Cornelius Town Board will consider a series of changes in the town’s quasi-judicial hearing process, which will help the town to conform with changes adopted during the past two years by the State Legislature. Chief among the changes will be keeping the 4/5ths super majority for variances, but […]


LKN Regional Transportation Commission rear-ended by Commissioner Dave Gilroy

By Dave Vieser. At the Cornelius Town Board Meeting of April 20, all of the commissioners, including veteran Commissioner Dave Gilroy, unanimously approved a five-year contract renewal between the town and the Lake Norman Regional Transportation Commission (LNTC). The agreement called for the town to give LNTC $21,000 annually in order to help the commission address, […]


Commissioner Jim Duke announces re-election campaign

June 22. Jim Duke officially announced today that he will seek a second term on the Cornelius Board of Commissioners. Duke, who was the long-time president of the Peninsula Property Owners Association, is a retired Army Officer and served 24 years as an analyst and supervisor with the federal government. “I have championed improvements to […]


Mayor Travis will announce reelection bid June 26

June 19. Will Mayor Chuck Travis run unopposed for re-election this fall? It’s increasingly looking that way, but anything can happen in the next couple of weeks. Filing for the November elections opens July 6, and closes July 17. Cost to file: $12. Travis has hired political consultant Lawrence Shaheen of Carolina Political Consulting. He […]