TODAY. Cornelius Today hosts the Old-fashioned BBQ and Candidate Forum 11:30 am to 1 pm Oct. 2 at Town Hall. The cost to attend is $8. Moderator Lisa Mayhew will ask the six candidates for five seats on the Town Board the questions. You will learn how they plan to tackle issues facing our town in a […]
Sept. 25. Because of a serious illness in his wife’s family, J.R. Mount is dropping out of what was a seven-man race for five seats on the Cornelius Town Board. The Mounts will be selling their home on Suunto Lane and moving to Locust. Mount, who has lived in Cornelius for 13 years, is a management analyst with the […]
By Dave Vieser. It sounded simple enough: Establish 25 mph school speed zones on Bailey Road in the vicinity of Bailey Middle School and Hough High School. “There was a lot of concern expressed by parents of students and others in the area for general safety,” said Assistant Town Manager Andrew Grant, “so we asked for […]
NC Sen. Jeff Tarte will hold a Legislative Coffee Chat with Davidson Mayor Pro Tem Beth Cashion Monday Sept. 21 from 9 am to 10 am at The Egg at Davidson, 231 Griffith St. RSVP:
The Town Commissioner “Coffee Chat” gets started at 9 am at Acropolis Café, featuring Police Chief Bence Hoyle. Sen. Jeff Tarte will provide a brief legislative update from Raleigh. The chats are hosted by Commissioners Woody Washam and Jim Duke, both of whom are running for re-election.
Election season gets under way in earnest right after Labor Day. In Cornelius, it means you can see candidates up close and personal at picnics, in church, at meetings or at Cornelius Today’s traditional Old Fashioned Barbecue and Candidate Forum Oct. 2 at Town Hall. Meeting them is important. Five people on our Town Board […]
Members of the Cornelius Town Board may ask the NCDOT to cut the speed limit on Main Street from 35 to 25 miles per hour. The reduction would run from the Davidson line near the railroad trestle to Washam Potts Road. Over the past year, the town has received requests from citizens to consider lowering the […]
Aug. 19. Davidson’s representative on the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization will vote “no” tonight on the 2016-2025 highway plan which includes toll lanes managed by a much-reviled private company whose roots are in Spain. While the ultimate CRTPO vote is likely to be “yes”—Charlotte City Councilwoman Vi Lyles has 46 percent of the region-wide […]
Aug. 17. Kurt Naas, founder of the Widen I-77 group that has opposed the managed lanes project in court, says his lawsuit is the only real chance Lake Norman residents have to stop the project. Speaking at Business Today’s Newmakers Breakfast, Naas reiterated that the lawsuit is still very much alive, with a hearing before a state […]
Mayor Chuck Travis, who is running unopposed for a second term at the head of local government, says fixing the aesthetics of the Exit 28 bridge, providing lake access for residents and planning an arts center are among his goals during the next two years. Travis says achieving those goals “will help with economic development […]