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This category contains 918 posts

Coffee Chat Dec. 5 features 3 mayors

Nov. 29. All three North Meck mayors will attend the Dec. 5 Coffee Chat at H2 Public House in Cornelius. The event, which will include a Q&A session, begins at 8:30 am. The event will be streamed live on Facebook and Zoom, with replays available on YouTube. Cornelius Mayor Woody Washam will lead the discussion alongside Mayor […]

Popular town service:  Town will pick up leaves left at curbside.

Leave the leaves

Nov. 22. The Town of Davidson and other Bee City USA and Bee Campus USA affiliates are keeping leaf litter in gardens and yards. Leaves are often viewed as a nuisance to be removed from yards, but they are an important part of the ecosystem, providing food and shelter for many creatures, the town said […]

Davidson police kick off this year’s Angel Tree tradition

Nov. 11. The Davidson Police Department is  kicking off its annual Angel Tree Program,  a 20-plus-year tradition of supporting Davidson residents and families. Those interested in participating, either by becoming a sponsor or by making a monetary donation, are asked to contact the Davidson Police Department at 704-892-5131 or in person during normal business hours. […]

Community members invited to Jack Burney Award ceremony

Nov. 10. The Town of Davidson invites community members to the G. Jackson Burney Community Service Award ceremony and reception on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at Davidson Town Hall. The North Mecklenburg Moravian Band will play at 9:30 am, and Mayor Rusty Knox will open the ceremony at 10 am. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic […]

Bradford on the I-77 bridge with supporters, including Joshua Dobi (foreground)

Bradford retains NC 98 seat

Nov. 9. By Dave Yochum. Incumbent NC House District 98 Representative John Bradford (R) of Cornelius defeated Christy Clark (D) Tuesday in a rematch of their close 2020 race. Bradford: 17,925 Clark: 17,064 With all 10 precincts reporting, Bradford won by 861 votes, a 2.5 percent margin. It was similar to the outcome in 2020. […]

Melissa Easley unseats veteran CMS board member

Nov. 9. By Dave Vieser. With two candidates for Charlotte Mecklenburg School Board District 1 splitting the Republican vote, Democrat candidate Melissa Easley won decisively, with incumbent Rhonda Cheek and newcomer Ro Lawsin coming in second and third. Easley: 18,510 Cheek: 14,542 Lawsin: 10,711 Fountain: 9,447 Fisher: 7,663 Two other independent candidates—Bill Fountain and Hamani […]

Shining new light on energy efficiency and streets

Nov. 3. Existing streetlights in Davidson are being replaced on 11 major street thoroughfares with more energy efficient LED lighting. This LED streetlight conversion project is perhaps the single most effective energy efficiency opportunity available to the town, according to town leaders. “This conversion is a huge step forward in terms of energy efficiency, which […]

$1,025,000 | 18610 Rollingdale Lane

Davidson home and property sales

Oct. 28. These property transactions in Davidson were recorded by the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds Aug. 18-Sept. 16. 8/18/2022 $265,000 Trustees of Davidson College to John Corso-Esquivel & John Steele, 185 Morrison Hill Rd. 8/24/2022 $316,000 Wilson Luxury Homes to Elizabeth Kemp & Jonathan Parley, 808 Cotton Gin Alley 8/29/2022 $495,000 Yvonne Hinkley to […]

Road work in Davidson begins today

Oct. 24. As part of Davidson’s annual streets resurfacing project, road work is starting Monday Oct. 24, and will last about three weeks.  This is the second year of a  comprehensive five-year plan to maintain and improve streets throughout Davidson. The plan focuses paving in tight geographic areas to be the most cost-effective, and will […]

Davidson residents need to call for appoinment for bulk pick up

Oct. 19. Waste Pro, the Town of Davidson’s contracted garbage and recycling collection company, reminds Davidson residents to call in advance to make an appointment for bulk-waste pick up. What is bulk waste? Bulk waste is defined as “furniture or other items where large size precludes or complicates handling by normal solid waste collection, procession, […]