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Davidson News

This category contains 917 posts

Davidson celebrates grand opening of new town hall on Saturday

March 22. The Town of Davidson invites the community to the grand opening of the new Davidson Town Hall and Community Center  at 251 South St. on Saturday, March 25 from 11 am to 2 pm. Mayor Rusty Knox will kick off the event in front of the newly renovated building at 11 am with […]

Andrew Lovedale

Op-Ed: Sports can inspire, unify and create change

March 22. By Andrew Lovedale. Nelson Mandela once declared that sports “has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.” We’ve seen throughout history, on stages big and small, the power of sports to not only reveal […]

suburbia suburbs homes

Brace yourself: New property valuations come out March 17

March 14. By Dave Vieser. Looking to celebrate St Patricks Day in a special way? How about learning the new value of your property according to the county! March 17 is indeed the day new revaluation notices will be mailed to all owners of property in Mecklenburg County. What’s it all about? Revaluation is the […]

The land trust accreditation program recognizes land conservation organizations that meet national quality standards for protecting natural places and working lands forever. Photo | DLC

DLC seeks reaccreditation and your comments

March 14. The Davidson Lands Conservancy (DLC), a nationally accredited land trust, is applying for renewal of accreditation. The land trust accreditation program recognizes land conservation organizations that meet national quality standards for protecting natural places and working lands forever. The Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance, conducts an […]

Davidson to celebrate Arbor Day on Saturday

March 13.  Davidson residents are invited to celebrate Arbor Day on Saturday, March 18, at the corner of Jackson Street and Main Street, across from the former Davidson Town Hall building, 216 S. Main St. There will be a brief ceremony at 9 am followed by a tree planting along the adjacent side path. If […]

2022 St. Patrick's Day Celebration at Harp & Crown / Photo by Jason Benavides

Green Daze: Ways to celebrate your Irishness around Lake Norman

March 8. By Jason Benavides. Get your green on and head out to some of the best St. Patrick’s Day events around Lake Norman. Enjoy Irish fare, have a pint and celebrate Irish tradition.  Birkdale Village: Luck of the Village Birkdale Commons Pkwy & Sam Furr Rd., Huntersville. (704) 895-8744  March 16 (Date change), 6-9 […]

$912,500 | 1121 Hudson Place, Davidson

Davidson property sales

Feb. 28. These property transactions were recorded by the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds  12/19/22 $875,000 Samuel Cannon & Chelseanne Smith to Christian Kelly & Jennifer Jordan, 748 Amalfi Dr. 12/19/22 $308,000 Eric & Martha Hayes to Candace & Steven Matta, 710 Cotton Gin Alley 12/20/22 $740,000 Anjanette & Richard Weddle to Steve & Vivian […]

Davidson police released this video image of the potential suspects in the recent acts vandalism.

Davidson police seek help around recent vandalism; reward offered

Feb. 24. Someone recently shared videos of the potential suspects in the vandalism incidents Feb. 15-16 in Davidson and police are asking for anyone else who has video to let them know. The video shows the potential suspects near Avinger Lane about 10:40 pm Wednesday, Feb. 15. The subjects are driving two sedan-style vehicles, one […]

Davidson Police Department seeks assistance in car vandal spree

Feb. 17. Davidson Police Department is seeking the assistance of community members to identify the subjects responsible for a number of vandalism incidents occurring late Wednesday evening/early Thursday morning, Feb. 15-16. Davidson detectives are asking community members to review their doorbell cameras and other video surveillance devices to identify suspects or a suspect vehicle in […]

Davidson to activate HAWK signals soon

Feb. 17. The Town of Davidson will activate four new HAWK signals at the Circles@30 soon. In support of the town’s increased focus on pedestrian safety and the newly adopted Vision Zero initiative, these HAWK signals will help provide residents and visitors with safer crossing options at particularly busy intersections near the roundabouts and I-77. […]