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Early Voting netted more than half of total registered voters county-wide

Nov. 4. By Dave Yochum. Saturday, the last day of Early Voting in North Carolina, saw 1,033 voters come through Town Hall for a total of 19,145 since Early Voting began on Oct. 17. Exactly 430,579 people voted early at 33 locations county-wide. There are 817,505 registered voters in Mecklenburg County. To view daily Early […]

Nov. 30: Light Up Cornelius

Gear up for the busy holiday season – Here’s what’s going on in November and a peek at December

Friday, Nov. 1 Tammy Pescatelli 7:30 pm | Nov. 1. Tammy Pescatelli brings brassy sexiness with a bold voice of witty sarcasm to her audiences, holding her own on the topics of sports, television, dating and family life using tongue-in-cheek humor. Tickets: $25-45. Cain Center for the Arts, Catawba Avenue. Nov. 1 – Nov. 10 […]

Early Voting_0037

Today, tomorrow are final days of Early Voting; where to vote on Election Day

Nov. 1. Today and tomorrow are the last two days of early voting in North Carolina. Some 368,546 people took advantage of early voting county-wide as of Thursday night. At Cornelius Town Hall, 16,857 voted early, with daily counts well above 1,000 most days. Today is the last full day of Early Voting, with 33 […]

live music

EarthTalk: Can we decarbonize the live music industry?

Dear EarthTalk: Is there an environmental/climate impact of the huge growth in the live music and concert industry over the last couple of decades?       —Julia E., Sacramento, CA Nov. 1. The live music industry has skyrocketed over the last few decades. In 2023, the multinational Live Nation Entertainment reported 145 million fans […]

Maurice Norman | Photo by Alvin C. Jacobs Jr./ASC screenshot

Live storytelling production showcases historic Black communities

Oct. 31. Don’t Lose Heart, a project to empower the cultural preservation efforts of historic Black communities in North Mecklenburg, debuts as a live, storytelling production Saturday at the Cain Center for the Arts.  Helmed by writer and poet Maurice J. Norman, Don’t Lose Heart blends documentary poetry, family histories, and live performance to create […]

Annual barbecue at Mt. Zion UMC is a favorite local tradition

Weekender Oct. 31-Nov. 3: Mt. Zion BBQ, ‘Matilda Jr.’, festivals, craft show, sheep dog trials

Friday, Nov. 1 Tammy Pescatelli 7:30 pm | Nov. 1. Tammy Pescatelli brings brassy sexiness with a bold voice of witty sarcasm to her audiences, holding her own on the topics of sports, television, dating and family life using tongue-in-cheek humor. Tickets: $25-45. Cain Center for the Arts, Catawba Avenue. Nov. 1 – Nov. 10 […]

Cain Center for the Arts

Cain Center Spring 2025 sneak peak

Oct. 31. Cain Center for the Arts’ Spring 2025 Performing Arts Season features a diverse lineup of music, dance, comedy and theater experiences. For a preview, click here. Season overview The Spring 2025 season opens with celebrated bluegrass icons, The Gibson Brothers, followed by the soulful sound of North Carolina’s own Charly Lowry, whose music bridges Americana […]

Early voting at Cornelius Town Hall

Voting information, with Early Voting ending Saturday at 3 pm

Oct. 31. Early Voting continues today, Friday and ends on Saturday Nov. 2. Hours today and Friday: 8 am to 7:30 pm. Hours Saturday (Final day of Early Voting): 8 am to 3 pm. On Wednesday, 1,115 people voted at Cornelius Town Hall. Since EV began Oct. 17, 15,807 people have voted at Cornelius Town […]

Downtown Master Plan

Downtown Master Plan citizen survey extended to Nov. 7

Oct. 30. There’s a little more time to provide input on how downtown Cornelius should grow and change over the next 15 years. A citizen survey has been extended from Oct. 31 to Nov. 7. Go to www.Cornelius.org/downtown to take the downtown survey and have your opinion heard. Background Over the years downtown has morphed […]

Feature NMB Dist 98_Oct 2024_1279

District 98 candidates differ most on the issue of abortion

Oct. 30. During a polite, civil discourse of issues at the NC House District 98 Newsmakers Breakfast, it was the subject of abortion that clearly separated Melinda Bales, the Republican, and Beth Helfrich, the Democrat. In response to audience questions on their position concerning state laws on abortion, Bales said she supported the change in […]