Nov. 15. By Dave Yochum. You might say Cornelius was a tale of two cities on Election Day. Kamala Harris won Precinct 202, which includes neighborhoods around Town Hall, including Old Town Cornelius and Antiquity. Cornelius’ three other precincts—242, 208 and 240—went for Trump. The actual vote at 202/Town Hall was 3,771 for Harris, 3,652 […]
Nov. 15. By Dave Yochum. Governor-elect Stein has included former NC Sen. Jeff Tarte on his transition team. Tarte, a former mayor of Cornelius and a Republican, will help identify and interview candidates. His primary focus will involve Information Technology. Quotable “Josh is looking for experienced and skilled individuals to serve in his administration, regardless […]
Thursday, Nov. 14 Ukraine — Sleeping Disorder 7 – 8:30 pm | Nov. 14. Join an evening with photographer Ira Lupu to discuss her exhibit in the Wall Building at Davidson College: “Ukraine — Sleeping Disorder.” Lupu will discuss her work produced during summer visits to wartime Ukraine in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Free and […]
Nov. 12. There were two special events on Veterans Day in Cornelius that really were special. The first was a “rock sinking” for a new reef at Patriot Pier in Ramsey Creek Park, the second was the traditional celebration at the Veterans Monument at Rotary Plaza behind Town Hall. Patriot Pier Former Gov. Jim Martin, […]
Nov. 12. By Dave Vieser. Plans to build a pre-school facility at the intersection of West Catawba and Edinburgh Square Drive have been withdrawn and a commercial office building will be constructed at that site instead. The pre school project would have required rezoning of the site from Village Center Zoning to Conditional Zoning. Quotable “The […]
Monday, Nov.11 Community Document Shredding Event 9-11 am | Nov. 11. Hosted by the Cornelius Police Department. Free. 4-box maximum per resident or business. Will end early if truck reaches capacity. Student parking lot of William A. Hough High School, 12420 Bailey Road. Veterans Day program in Cornelius 11 am-1 pm | Nov. 11. The […]
Nov. 8. By Dave Yochum. The N.C. Dept. of Environmental Quality in late October said people should avoid contact with green or blue water in Lake Norman due to an algal bloom that has lingered since early September. The bloom has been observed throughout Lake Norman, from Mecklenburg to Catawba, Iredell to Lincoln—algal blooms tend […]
MODERN DAD | By Jon Show Nov. 8. You know those spam text messages you get from unknown numbers that are like, “Will you join us today?” If you respond, “Who is this,” or, “You have the wrong number,” then you get an answer like, “Oh, sorry for contacting you.” And then the person on […]
Nov. 8. By Dave Vieser. There’s plenty of construction in Cornelius, most of it residential. Using data provided by the town, Cornelius Today estimates that, conservatively, more than 3,000 people will be relocating to Cornelius in the next decade as more than 2,000 new living units open. Build-out as per the Land Use Plan adopted […]
Nov. 7. By Dave Vieser. Port City Club, the well-known lakeside eatery opened by Nick Lyssikatos 10 years ago, is reopening as Lake House Wine Bar & Grill. Crews were busy changing signs on Wednesday afternoon while interior renovations continued. Port City soon became a fixture in the Lake Norman dining scene after it opened […]