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This category contains 210 posts

Banking on traffic: Billboard is talk of the town

April 6. An old-school billboard for a local bank is getting a lot of traction on the new virtual town square called Exit 28 Ridiculousness. The billboard for Cornelius-based Aquesta Bank is located on the northbound side of I-77 between Exits 23 and 25—where traffic comes to a virtual standstill most afternoons. And mornings. And evenings. […]

Top economist at April 13 Newsmakers Breakfast 

John Silvia, the chief economist at Wells Fargo, will be the featured guest at the Business Today Newsmakers Breakfast April 13 at The Peninsula Club. The well-known economist is frequently quoted by news organizations, not just around the country, but around the world. He has held his position since he joined Wachovia, a Wells Fargo predecessor, in […]

Troutman entrepreneur opens luggage shop in Jetton Village

April 1. An octogenarian entrepreneur who lives in Troutman is opening an upscale luggage store in Jetton Village. Winnie Ruth Judd said she would take a 1,200 square foot space adjacent to the new Gourmet Cutlery store. “First-class travel is what we’re all about,” the 89-year-old Judd said. Her store, which features luxury brands like […]


Another new hotel planned for west side of Cornelius

April 1. A prototype Bojangel’s Hotel with 215 rooms and 25 extended stay suites will open in Kenton Place on three acres of property straddling the border of Huntersville and Cornelius. “We are pleased to bring a new travel option, not just to the Charlotte market, but to America,” said Bojangel’s spokesman A.J. Liebling. The […]


Tom Dutton: Putting the finishing touches on a career in banking

When Tom Dutton retired in February, a little bit of Cornelius’ financial history will retire with him. The long-time banker, who will be 73 in June, got into the world of finance large and small back in 1966, when Cornelius was a burg, the lake was new and doctors were few and far between. Dutton, […]

New insurance office

A company called policyline insurance plans to open in 1,522 square feet of space at 18809 W. Catawba. The independent insurance agency’s main office is in Statesville. Policyline has a total of 10 employees.


Hard-aground: Million-dollar yacht to be refloated today

March 16. Re-floating a 50-foot Marquis powerboat that ran hard aground on Lake Norman will be one of the most expensive salvage operations in lake history. The sleek yacht is also one of the most expensive on the lake, priced at more than $1 million when new. UPDATE: Powerboat to be refloated on St. Patricks […]

Photo: Kurt Naas explains Cintra finances to a crowd of 150 at Cornelius Town Hall

Citizen Kurt: WidenI-77 organizer wows top politicians

March 10. By Dave Yochum. Speaking to a packed house—150 citizens and elected officials at Cornelius Town Hall—anti-toll leader Kurt Naas started by thanking people for attending a dry information session on Cintra finances, the bankruptcy in Texas and the pricing plan for tolls between Charlotte and Lake Norman. The one-hour presentation by the founder of WidenI-77.org was riveting. Elected […]

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New hotel a ‘game-changer’ for Cornelius

March 10. By Dave Vieser. A 14-story hotel and convention center planned for West Catawba Avenue and Waterview Drive in Cornelius has gotten an informal—but cautionary—thumbs-up from the chairman of the Cornelius Planning Board. “This would be a game-changing facility for this town,” said Planning Board Chairman Brian Simmons. “Though 14 stories would be a tough sell.” The proposed […]


Developer sets course for Anchorage Marine

March 7. By Dave Vieser. A Chicago-based developer wants to transform the long-vacant Anchorage Marine building on Highway 21 at Westmoreland Road into a combination bar and eatery. Under the plans submitted by David Stockwell, of Emerging Concepts, the prime corner would become a home for live entertainment, a bar and food trucks. The property, […]