Rendering of Cashmere proposal
March 12. By Dave Vieser. A community meeting will be held on Tuesday April 1 regarding a six-story condominium/mixed use building proposed for the northwest corner of Jetton Road extension and Bethel Church. The meeting will begin at 6 pm in Town Hall.
The applicants, Adam and Iryna Jones of Cornelius, have filed the required paperwork for the project, called Cashmere, to change the zoning from Village Center to Conditional.

Cashmere site plan: Jetton runs diagonally across the lower right
“Our vision for this project aligns with the Town of Cornelius’ planning objectives by creating a pedestrian-friendly, architecturally refined, and economically vibrant development that enhances the surrounding area” said the Jones with their application. “We believe this project will serve as a landmark development, contributing to the long-term vision of Cornelius as a dynamic and thriving community.”
County tax records show the 21,340 square foot lot is currently valued at $224,000 with annual property taxes of $1,472.
The was purchased in 2017 for $145,000.
The proposed site adjoins another mixed-use proposal, known as the Cornelius Mixed Use Building, which received town board rezoning approval in 2022 only after reducing the height of their proposed building from six to four stories.
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