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Cornelius News

Birkdale Village fountain expected to open after Easter weekend

A fountain at Birkdale Village again will offer a spot to cool off. Pictured is the fountain before the village renovation. Photo | MVP Properties file

[Update April 13] NAP says they are waiting on the electrician to finish work on the fountain.

March 27. The fountain should be shooting water as early as mid-April.

Tim Perry, managing partner of North American Properties, the owners of Birkdale Village in Huntersville, said last week that the needed parts were received Monday, March 20, and NAP is planning for the team to be trained Friday, April 7, to program and operate the fountain.

The anticpated opening date of the fixed fountain is Monday or Tuesday, April 10 or 11, Perry said.

When NAP acquired Birkdale Village in November 2020, the fountain didn’t work and it was dated and didn’t have lights, Perry said. Now, “that’s a million dollar fountain.”

Experts says an outdoor water feature at a retail center makes customers want to linger. And the longer they linger, the more they’ll shop.

Background on the break

North American Properties removed the splash fountain last year during renovations to the lifestyle center that features restaurants and retail, events and activities, along with open areas and a big screen.

Then a ground fault interrupter was needed, along with county approval.  That was taken care.

But then it was time to find the Christmas tree a home and it landed on the fountain site.  An outdoor skating rink took up that space and the green facing the big screen through Jan. 16.

Mike Lant, senior vice president of development at NAP, said in February that the fountain was damaged during the removal of the skating rink so it must be repaired.

Families in the Cornelius and Huntersville neighborhoods near the village flock to the fountain for relief and fun during summer months.

Fountain benefits

Most kids and families would list fun as the top benefit, but there are other benefits beside making a commercial area stand out and fun.

North by Northwest, a commercial landscaping and grounds management company in Texas, says there are five other benefits of adding an outdoor water feature to a commercial landscape.

— Outdoor water features purify the air: Flowing water produces negative ions that attract dust and allergens and remove them from the air. So outdoor water features are natural air purifiers. Water features help cool the surrounding air, too. Something we love during NC summers.

—They reduce noise pollution: The sound of cascading water helps drown out less pleasant sounds, like traffic, construction vehicles.

— Outdoor water features are calming: Feeling stressed lately? Studies show that running water relieves stress and even decreases blood pressure and heart rate. Water calms the mind.

—They help birds: Birds appreciate the chance to stop by for a cool sip or to splash the dust off their wings. That’s a bonus for  customers, who get not only a cool, calming water feature, but a bit of bird-watching, too.

—Outdoor water features attract customers:  Water features make a great first impression with their plumes of water, gurgling bubbles and cool splashes.

Water reminds us of nature, and nature is a great escape from the often hectic pace of life.

Another benefit of outdoor water features is that they attract good employees. Your team members can take a rejuvenating break by the fountain or enjoy lunch near the cool and calming stream.