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Important Dates

Be an angel to a local senior during the holidays

Volunteers and support needed for Neighborhood CARE Center to show holiday love to adult seniors.

Nov. 29. The Neighborhood CARE Center is looking for individuals or families to help celebrate senior adult neighbors by gifting them with a Christmas gift basket or bag filled with treats.

Register by Thursday, Dec. 1, here or by calling Roberta Meier at 602-881-1906.

Assemble a box, bag or basket  with goodies and mark if the gift is intended for a male, female or either. Deliver to the care center at 19711 Smith Circle, Cornelius, 10 am to 4 pm  Dec. 6-10.

Gifts will be delivered closer to Christmas, and volunteers are needed to make deliveries, too.

What to include

Suggested items include:

—Cookies, candy, nuts, fruit, soups, crackers; all food items need to be store-bought.

—Hygiene items-tooth paste, hair products, lotions, soaps.

—Christmas decorations.

—Gift cards.

—Gloves, socks, small blankets or pillows, wash cloths, towels.

The cost should not exceed $50.