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Bailey Road traffic study will be presented at Monday’s Town Board meeting

Feb. 13. By Dave Vieser. A detailed traffic study regarding Bailey Road east of Hwy. 115 will be presented to the Cornelius Town Board during the Feb. 17 meeting. The $174,500 study has been prepared by Kimley-Horne, and will examine methods of addressing traffic volume on two-lane Bailey Road, where both Bailey Middle and Hough High are located.

Between buses, students driving to and from school and carpooling, as well as traffic generated by a variety of residential developments—including Bailey’s Glen—Bailey Road is a challenge on school days.

“Our staff has discussed draft recommendations with the consultants,” said Wayne Herron, deputy town manager. “However, many of them require coordination and approval by both NCDOT and CMS.”

The meeting will begin at 6 pm in Town Hall on Catawba Avenue. It will also be live streamed on the town website www.cornelius.org.