March 3. Two different developers will present their projects in detail at tonight’s Cornelius Town Board Meeting: 1. Applicant Matt Greco seeks to amend zoning on 12.8 acres of land located on the east side of Statesville Road, north of Westmoreland Road, currently occupied by two homes. He seeks to construct approximately 48,000 square feet […]
March 3. Cornelius resident Tommy Walker had more than 50 years experience in appliance repair and operated Tommy’s Appliance Service until retiring a few years ago. Tommy offers his advice for various appliances. Some things are good for the garbage disposal, and some things are not. Celery, cabbage and some lettuce can be difficult for […]
Monday, March 3 French Film Showing – The Fast Runner (Zacharias Kunuk. 2001) 7-9 pm | March 3. Igloolik at the dawn of the first millennium, when nomadic Inuit were masters of the frozen arctic. Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of Inuit, upsetting its balance and spirit. Twenty […]
By Dave Vieser. Cornelius requires developers to host a community meeting before a project goes to the Town Board. Normally, these meetings attract relatively small numbers of residents. Thursday was a notable exception. Developer Drew Thigpen explained the details of the scaled-down Cornelius Business Park project on Bailey Road to 125 residents at the Mt. […]
Dear EarthTalk: What is the status of the monarch butterfly in the U.S. and is it listed as threatened or endangered? —M. Smith, Raleigh, NC Feb. 28. The monarch butterfly, known for its awe-inspiring migration across North America, has become a symbol of both ecological wonder and environmental decline. Once abundant across the continent, their […]
Feb. 28. Meteorological spring starts this weekend, even though the official end of winter is three weeks away. If its seems slightly mixed up, so is the weekend weather. Look for spring-like temps today and Saturday, winter-like temps Sunday. Friday: Sunny, high near 63. Overnight low around 45. Saturday: Sunny, breezy, high near 67. Overnight […]
Saturday, March 1 Gamut Dance Company’s 19th Annual Showcase 7-8:30 pm | March 1. Gamut Dance Company is Davidson College’s student run dance company comprised of 24 dancers. Tickets adults, 11.40; seniors or children, $7.67. Duke Family Performance Hall, Davidson College. Mardi Gras Market Noon – 5 pm | March 1. The festive Mardi Gras Market features […]
Feb. 27. Charlotte Water crews responded to a wastewater overflow near 18325 Taffrail Way in Cornelius. An estimated 90 gallons reached Lake Norman. Most homes along the lakes are served by low pressure sewer systems that convey waste to a gravity fed sewer to wastewater treatment plants. A damaged a low pressure pipe caused the […]
Thursday, Feb. 27 Public Lecture: Sophia E. Kroft presents “Points of Exchange: Encountering Ancient Egypt in the 19th Century” 4:30 -6 pm | Feb. 27. Sophia Kroft talk about Napoleon Bonaparte’s encounter with ancient Egypt, heralding the beginning of Egyptology as an academic discipline. She holds a Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts in […]
Feb. 27. [UPDATED Feb. 28] Mecklenburg County Natural Resources is conducting another controlled burn Friday beginning around 10:15 am at Latta Nature Preserve. It’s the third day of controlled burns, with Thursday starting at 11 am. Smoke will affect air quality in the downwind area for 2-3 hours. More info: To reduce your exposure […]