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Transit Equity Day honors Rosa Parks

Jan. 28. The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) will operate fare-free in honor of Transit Equity Day on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Transit Equity Day honors the legacy of the civil rights activist Rosa Parks on what would have been her 112th birthday. Rosa Parks’ courageous act of defiance, against segregation and discrimination, was a historically […]

The cell service that cried wolf?

Jan. 28. By Dave Vieser. If you own a cell phone and live in Cornelius, you may be among the lucky ones who continue receiving tornado warnings on their cell phones as they drive through town. The problem seems to be concentrated on West Catawba Avenue, near Jetton Road. This area is adjacent to the […]

Clay workshop for Valentine’s Day gifting

Jan. 28. What could be more romantic than a heart-shaped coffee bowl, vase or trinket made out of clay? Not much IMHO, but it takes planning and time. The Cornelius Art Center Ceramic Studio will hold a Valentine’s Day Workshop 10 am to 1 pm Feb. 1 where you can create something beautiful with your […]

You and your money: Speak up about town, county spending at public hearings

Jan. 28. This is the time of year when local governments dig into the next fiscal year’s spending plans, which must be approved and in place by June 30. As local and county boards craft next year’s budget, residents can speak out on the programs and services that are most important to them. Mecklenburg County […]

Future site of Magnolia Estates Villas

Years in the making, Magnolia Estates Villas will be coming out of the ground, like the trees

Jan. 27. By Dave Vieser. More trees are coming down in Cornelius: It started last week along Magnolia Estates Drive, across from the Publix Shopping Center. The vacant land being cleared appears to be the first step in the construction of Magnolia Estates Villas, a development comprising 65 multi-family residential patio townhomes. Planning Director Rox […]

marie watt

Weekly Calendar Jan. 27-Feb. 2: Discussions, art, concerts

Monday, Jan. 27 Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025: The Fault Line Between Then and Now 7 pm | Jan. 27. The Stan Greenspon Holocaust and Social Justice Education Center will host its annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day event with a program that will mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. The […]


End of leaf vacuuming coming; here’s what to do

Jan. 27. The town’s leaf vacuuming ends Friday. While the town will not collect loose leaves, WastePro will continue to collect bagged leaves as part of yard waste pickup. Yard waste consists of excess leaves, grass, tree and shrubbery trimmings, and other organic material removed in general maintenance of the property by the homeowner. Yard […]

Cornelius has a new deputy fire chief

Jan. 27. By Dave Vieser. In a major step towards the transition to a full-time paid fire department, Andrew Bridges of Denver has been named Cornelius’ first full-time deputy chief. Bridges, 44,  was introduced to the commissioners at the Town Board meeting last week. He will receive an annual salary of $117,000. In 1996,  Bridges […]

EarthTalk: What is congestion pricing?

Dear EarthTalk: What exactly is congestion pricing as just implemented in New York City and how will it help the environment? Should other cities also adopt this policy? —H.M., San Diego, CA Jan. 24. New York City recently became the first U.S. city to implement congestion pricing, a strategy aimed to reduce traffic in extremely […]

Get unwanted guns out of home during this safe surrender event

Jan. 24 Lake Norman area faith communities, in partnership with RAWtools South, are planning a Gun Safe-Surrender Event in February. Anyone may bring unwanted (and unloaded and working) guns to be dismantled and transformed into garden tools and art to surrender 1-4 pm Feb. 17 at The Gethsemane Baptist Church, 565 Jetton St., in Davidson.  […]