The archery range at Fisher Farm in Davidson will be open to the public.
May 19. The Town of Davidson invites the community to the Fisher Farm Archery Range grand opening on Sunday, May 21.
The Fisher Farm Archery Range, 21215 Shearer Rd., has been a longtime vision and dream of Davidson resident Sterling Martin who has taught numerous archery programs in the past and served on the Town of Davidson and Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation Advisory Boards for 26 years.
Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation approached the Town of Davidson about two years ago with funding to design and build the range with the intent that the town would manage and operate range programming and use.
The public can get their Katniss on at Fisher Farm Archery Range, the only public range in the North Mecklenburg area. The fictional character Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist of The Hunger Games trilogy; her archery skills spurred an interest in archery in the real world. Her name comes from a plant with edible tubers called Sagittaria, from Sagittarius the Archer, whose name means He that throws arrows in Latin.
The range will be programmed and managed through Davidson Parks and Recreation with public use open hours and programs taught by certified staff.
The grand opening was originally scheduled to open tomorrow, but it missed the mark by a day. As part of the ribbon-cutting Sunday, there will be a ceremonial shooting of the arrows to mark the occasion, and afterward, any interested attendees will be able to participate in the Try Archery event.