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Cornelius News

Humpty Dumpty has a great spot

Feb. 8. There is new public art on Catawba Avenue, ​appropriately enough ​in front of Cornelius Elementary School​.​

Humpty Dumpty is a six-foot tall sculpture of etched and cast aluminum and steel by Greensboro-based artist Eric Isbanioly. The piece features the artist’s rendering of the fabled character seated upon an open book, with the Humpty Dumpty poem on one side and a word search on the other.

Isbanioly says this about the piece: “I didn’t want the story to end with Humpty being broken with no hope of coming together. I believe that if we work together there is nothing that can’t be fixed. So my hope is that people will gather together around this sculpture and work together to find ‘Humpty Dumpty’s pieces’ and make him whole.”

The piece was originally submitted as one of the artworks in the 2016-2017 Beyond Walls Public Art Exhibition at Robbins Park. It won the People’s Choice Award and was purchased by the Town of Cornelius to add to its permanent collection. A call for artists is underway through Feb. 12 for Beyond Walls 2017-2018, which is slated to open at Robbins Park in April 2017.

Humpty Dumpty is now the 11th piece of public art located in the eastern area of Cornelius, joining those at the Cornelius Community Garden, Smithville Park, the Cornelius Public Library, Oak Street Mill, in front of Rite Aid and Food Lion, and the 9/11 Never Forget Monument in front of Fire Station No. 1.