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Important Dates

Cornelius Concert Series – Friday, Mar 27

Feb. 6. The Cornelius Concert Series will Heaven’s Reign Gospel Quartet at 7 pm Friday, March 27 in the Sanctuary of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church.  Heaven’s Reign is made up of Cornelius and Mooresville singers who are also members of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church.  They have presented concerts throughout the area in churches and for camp meetings.  Jon Sarver and Mike Jackson are on tenor and Buddy Phillips and Larry Horton carry the bass parts.  The mission of this quartet is to “spread the good news of Jesus Christ through music.” Admission is free but a free will offering will be taken at the concert to defray expenses.  My Zion UMC is located at 19600 Zion St. More info: www.mtzionumc.net