By Dave Vieser. The long-awaited public beach at Ramsey Creek Park is scheduled to open Memorial Day weekend. However, according to town officials, the beach cannot open until a new traffic signal is installed at the Nantz Road intersection with West Catawba.
The matter came up for discussion at Monday’s town board meeting even though it wasn’t on the regular agenda. “One of the conditions that NCDOT put on the project is that the signal at West Catawba must be functioning for the beach to open,” said Town Manager Anthony Roberts. He added that both the county and the town have been in touch with NCDOT about the signal, and that an update will be provided at a public information meeting set for 6 p.m. Wednesday April 6 at Town Hall.
According to DOT spokeswoman Jordan Ashley Baker, this is a “developer-installed” traffic signal.
“Although we are not sure what their time frame for installation is, they are supposed to have it up and operational before the beach park opens,” she said.

The developer in this instance is building the Courtyards at Lake Norman, and as part of their agreement with the town, they must install the signal. As part of that signal installation, the intersection will also be straightened.
“The opening of a beach at Ramsey Creek Park is both welcome and long overdue,” said Lake Norman Chamber President Bill Russell. “We’ve been advocating for a beach since 1997 and it should have a positive impact on our overall economic and business development, particularly travel and tourism.”
Russell said the project really picked up steam after Jim Gargas was named Mecklenburg County Parks director. Former Mayor Jeff Tarte and County Commissioner Karen Bentley, also played key roles.
The county is spending $425,700 on the half-acre beach which will accommodate up to 500 swimmers.