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Cornelius News

Four years in the making, Mayes Meadow annexation comes before the Town Board

Photo by Jason Benavides

March 17. By Dave Vieser. Readers often ask how long it takes for a housing project to move from rezoning to the start of actual construction. The Mayes Meadow development in the southeast corner of Cornelius is a prime example of how much time can go by.

Rezoning for the project, which includes construction of up to 154 single-family homes on 90 acres, was approved by the Town Board almost four years ago, on May 17, 2021. Tonight, March 17, the town will consider starting the annexation process into the town by setting a public hearing for Monday April 21.


Planning Director Rox Burhans explains: “The Mayes Meadows project is currently located in unincorporated Mecklenburg County. As a condition of rezoning, they are required to annex into the Town of Cornelius and tonight’s agenda items are the first steps in this process.”

Rendering of Mayes Meadow. (Bayard Development)


The public hearings which proceeded the rezoning in 2021 were by no means routine. Opponents filled Town Hall at both Planning Board and Board of Commissioners meetings, taking special exception to three major issues impacting the Mayes Road area: Traffic on a narrow rural road, the impact of more families on overbooked Bailey Middle and Hough High on Bailey Road, and the loss of rural preservation farmland.

Ultimately the Town Board approved the rezoning in 2021 which included a series of traffic improvements which must be done before the development is completed. Meanwhile, progress on the development was also delayed significantly due to the lack of sewer service ability from Charlotte Water..an issue which was ultimately resolved.


2 Responses to “Four years in the making, Mayes Meadow annexation comes before the Town Board”

  1. Here we go! Continually approving projects with no infrastructure to take care of traffic. I would be fighting this “tooth and nail” if I lived on Mayes Road or any connecting roads. How in the world are people going to get in and out of there especially to Hwy 115? Good luck with that happening!

    Posted by Anonymous | March 17, 2025, 8:12 pm
  2. Dear Cornelius Today as well as Cornelius Commissioners:
    Please get in your car and go down Mayes Road from the intersection with Old Statesville Rd. It is not suitable for construction trucks and a high volume of new residents.

    Posted by Suzanne | March 18, 2025, 1:27 pm

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