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Downtown master plan will be completed this summer; meeting Wednesday

March 11. By Dave Vieser. The Downtown Cornelius Master Plan will be delayed until late summer according to assistant Planning Director David Cole. The extended timetable was revealed at the Planning Department’s March 10 meeting.

“This master plan is a very bold vision of our downtown region, and we want to be sure that we get it right,” Cole said. The plan was originally expected to be done this spring.

The plan as being developed by Kimley-Horn Consultants divides the development of the downtown area into several phases and will address such topics as transportation, parking for downtown events and possible relocation of municipal buildings such as police headquarters.

What’s next?

A community meeting at Town Hall from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm Wednesday, March 26. The goal of the meeting is to share progress on the plan, as well as gather feedback from the public on the draft core area, branding and transportation designs.


The Town has hired planning and design experts from Kimley-Horn to help develop a unified vision for downtown that builds on existing assets and incorporates the feedback of citizens and local leaders.

The plan will address topics such as the types and intensity of uses, architectural design, open spaces and trees, transportation and parking, pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, and special events.


One Response to “Downtown master plan will be completed this summer; meeting Wednesday”

  1. “will address topics such as … Trees…? Cornelius politicos resolved that years ago and have steadfastly remained true to that resolution. Cut’em all down!

    Posted by Donn Leppard | March 11, 2025, 9:19 am

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