March 5. Greenberg Gibbons’ proposed business park on Bailey Road has stirred passions among residents—and former elected officials. In an open letter to residents, former Town Commissioner Denis Bilodeau said the business park is the wrong project in the wrong location. Making “student/resident safety [should be] a top priority,” he said.
Cornelius….we have a problem!
Do we really need more public meetings and discussion regarding the obvious safety issues along Bailey Road?

At last night’s town meeting, a disgruntled group of residents repeated the traffic concerns voiced at last week’s community meeting. These are the same concerns that defeated a proposed rezoning two years ago.
It is time for action! Town, county and CMS leadership must agree on a plan to bring drop-off/pick-up activity on school property or find “satellite” drop-off/pick-up locations near Bailey Road that meet parents’ commute needs. The Town of Davidson must be included in the solution before the new flow of their students head for Bailey Road.
Residents have been clear about their expectation for future development of the Bailey Road corridor and it is a preference for green space. This fits in nicely with the recently approved park bond and survey.
Let’s be up-front with Greenberg Gibbons and stop draining time and resource for this misplaced development. Residents have offered up several reasonable land use alternative options. Let’s make student/resident safety a top priority and help a frustrated landowner move forward with retirement plans.
Denis Bilodeau
Former Commissioner
Town of Cornelius
I’m having a HUGE problem understanding how 4 buildings and some decorative tree/plants are going to improve my life in Cornelius?
ANY added traffic on Bailey Road, is NOT NEEDED. What about THIS POINT, does the developer not understand.
OK Mr. Developer, invent a way to bypass all the additional traffic, and I’ll listen. Otherwise, it’s a strong NO GO from this Cornelius resident.