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Cornelius News

Stay safe and have fun this 4th

July 1. The Fourth of July is known as a time of celebration and the peak month for fires and injuries related to fireworks and grills.

Every year more than 50,000 fires are caused by fireworks and close to 11,000 people are treated for injuries related to fireworks. Davidson Police ask everyone to be considerate of their neighbors, as certain sights, sounds and smells can be a trigger for those suffering from PTSD.

As a reminder, no explosive fireworks are allowed in any town; under  the North Carolina General Statute, explosive fireworks are prohibited for personal use.

Here’s what is legal and not

Legal: These are allowed statewide without any special permits: sparklers, glow worms or snakes, trick noisemakers, fountains, dipped sticks, illuminating devices, noisemakers, tube devices and snappers.

Illegal: A good rule of thumb: If it leaves the ground, it’s illegal.

If it flies up in the air and explodes, including firecrackers, bottle rockets, M-80s, roman candles, mortars, etc., then it is illegal in the state of North Carolina.

Area Police Departments will take action to ensure the safety of residents through the enforcement of North Carolina statutes (NC G.S. 14-414) related to the use of fireworks in violation of the law. Residents should call 911 to report any use of fireworks in violation of NC Statute.

Other advice to keep everyone safe

  • This national holiday is a date when more pets go missing than on any other day of the year. Make sure your pet’s ID tags are up to date/securely fastened to the collar. Consider microchipping your pets, if they already are, make sure the information is up to date. Keep your pets inside if they fear loud noises. You may also want to check with your veterinarian for any comforting strategies related to loud noises. Take a current photo of cats, dogs, and horses – just in case.
  • Fire up the grill, but only outdoors and never on porches. Keep the grill at least two feet away from decks, siding, branches, and any outdoor equipment that can catch fire. Keep children and pets away from the grill and never leave it unattended.
  • If swimming is in your 4th of July plans, never swim alone. Avoid using alcohol around water. And never leave children unattended near any body of water, no matter how shallow.
  •  Getting on the lake? Be sure to review safe boating practices. Never consume alcohol while driving a boat. Ensure you have enough life preservers for every passenger.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages? Don’t drink and drive.  Be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated as the outdoor temperatures are expected to be high.