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Important Dates

It’s tax time: Ada Jenkins can help

Jan. 29. The Ada Jenkins Center is hosting three sites for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE).


VITA/TCE volunteers help those with 2023 income of $60,000 or less prepare their taxes for free.

—Saturdays 9 am-3 pm at the Ada Jenkins Center in Davidson and the North County Regional Library in Huntersville.

—Thursdays 5-7 pm at First Baptist Church of Cornelius

Registration is required: www.adajenkins.org/services/vita/


Call or text 704-765-6195 or email VITA@Adajenkins.org.

The Ada Jenkins Center also is seeking snack donation sponsors for the three sites, for the tax preparation volunteers. Please contact josh.kiser@adajenkins.org for more information.