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Important Dates

Free rabies shots for pet Jan. 24

The Cornelius Animal Shelter and the Animal Hospital of Cornelius will host a free Rabies Clinic Saturday, Jan. 24, from noon to 4 pm at the Cornelius Animal Shelter, 19110 Meridian Street. This event is open to all residents of Cornelius. (Photo ID required with current Cornelius address, but if the address is not current, bring a utility bill with name and current address.) You will be required to complete an owner information form to receive a vaccine for your pet. All dogs and cats that are coming to receive a rabies shot must be at least four months old. Dogs must be leashed and cats kept in carriers at all times. Please do not bring dogs on retractable leashes. This can cause dog fights and people becoming entagled. For more information about the clinic call the Animal Shelter at 704-237-3602.