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Cornelius News

Bob Menzel is the 9th candidate running for Cornelius Town Board

Bob Menzel in front of Town Hall

July 20. Retired business owner and community leader Bob Menzel will run for the Cornelius Town Board, bringing the field to nine people for five seats on the Town Board. Incumbent Dave Gilroy is not running.

Two years ago we called it a horse race when there were nine candidates. One more day remains to file to run with the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections, so there could be more. In 2017, there were 11 candidates.

Menzel, who currently serves on the board of the Peninsula Property Owners Association, is an elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. He has served as an Admission Liaison Officer US Air Force Academy for the past 15 years.

In a prepared statement Menzel said Cornelius is a very special place. “My family has been genuinely blessed to live here. Since being approached to consider serving as a Town Commissioner, I have spent the last couple of months seeking advice from neighbors, town officials, and community leaders. Their perspective and guidance have helped me better appreciate this incredible opportunity to give back. Importantly, it also confirmed whether my participation could make a positive, constructive contribution to the election process. These are the reasons I’m stepping forward and officially filing my candidacy today.”

His chief concerns include traffic congestion and road expansion delays amidst rapid development. “It seems to me most everyone has a similar vision for our Town, but we’re having difficulty seeing how to get and stay there,” he said.

Menzel was the founder and CEO of KODIAKOOLER, a manufacturer and distributor based in Lake Norman.