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Mt. Zion announces new Sunday worship service schedule

Mt. Zion UMC

Feb. 9. Mt. Zion United Methodist Church has changed its Sunday worship schedule, reducing the number of services to two.

The early worship blended service with communion will be 8:30 am in the sanctuary.

The late worship service with chancel choir and live streaming will be 11 am in the sanctuary.

Music elements of the contemporary service, which had been held at 9:45 am, will be incorporated in the early service

Adult Sunday School classes will  meet 9:45 am-10:40 am each Sunday in the Christian Education Building.

Cemetery cleaning

Flowers, flags, lights, ornaments or  other items will be removed from the Mt Zion cemetery between Feb. 1 -10 will be disposed of.  Items that are put back or added after Feb. 10 will remain until the next clearing between Aug. 1-10.