Jan. 6. Registration opens on Monday, Jan. 9 for Huntersville Parks and Recreation spring programs and leagues.
Spaces fill quickly.
New Adult Kickball League
—Co-Ed League, Thursday evenings, Huntersville Athletic Park
—$400/Team Registration
—Ten Game regular season, followed by single elimination tournament
—Games start the week of March 16
Adult Softball League
—Men’s Division, Friday evenings, Bradford Park
—Co-Ed Division, Monday evenings, Bradford Park
—$550/Team Registration
—Ten Game regular season, followed by single elimination tournament
—Games start the week of March 6
Ralph Lambert Senior Softball League
—50+-year-old Division, Wednesday evenings, Bradford Park
—65+-year-old Division, Tuesday mornings, Bradford Park
—Individual Registration: $45/Huntersville resident or $60/non-Huntersville resident
—Ten-game regular season, followed by single elimination tournament
—Games start the week of March 14