May 14. By Dave Vieser. You may have noticed road construction in front of the Good Shepherd Anglican church on West Catawba Avenue where 19 homes are being built behind the church.
The rezoning approval for the project, known as Cambridge Square, required that a turning lane be constructed to accommodate incoming and outgoing traffic. The through lanes on Catawba were narrowed to protect workers while the turning lane was begun.
The result: More congestion.
Why not work at night?
Tyler Beardsley
Readers asked us why this work couldn’t be done at night when traffic is lighter. We asked Assistant Town Manager Tyler Beardsley that same question.
“Many of our current development projects, such as the one you mention, are on NCDOT roads.
In those cases, NCDOT will set any time restrictions on work within the state maintained road,” he said.
When asked when the project would be finished, he said “soon.”
If there are projects on town roads, local officials would look at those on a case-by-case basis. However, these are far less frequent than projects on NCDOT-maintained roads.