June 24. By Dave Yochum. At least 56,174 people in North Carolina have tested positive for the coronavirus and 1,271 have died, up 20 from yesterday’s NC Dept. of Health & Human Services daily report.
There were an additional 1,721 cases of the virus, up from 848 new cases as of Tuesday at noon.
Total hospitalizations due to COVID-19 dropped from 915 yesterday—a new high—down to 906, which is still higher than the mid-800s that startled health officials last week.
How this affects Phase 3 reopening won’t be clear until Gov. Roy Cooper announces whether North Carolina will move into Phase 3 this week or stay in Phase 2, or possibly a mixture of the two called Phase 2.5.
With cases and hospitalizations continuing to climb, the North Carolina economy continues to suffer as well. The governor has already vetoed bills that would reopen bars and gyms.
Not enough staff
In Mecklenburg County, the NCDHHS reports a total of 9,333 cumulative cases as of noon today, and a total of 140 deaths. It means there are 247 new coronavirus cases in Mecklenburg County, where the public health director, Gibbie Harris, is saying her department doesn’t have enough staff.
During the week ended June 21, more than 18,000 people were tested for coronavirus in Mecklenburg County. COVID-19 testing is under way today in Smithville Park in Cornelius.
Another death at The Pines
There has been a second death due to COVID-19 at The Pines in Davidson. The Pines administrator Steven Jewell could not be reached for comment. COVID-19 can strike virtually anyone, but deaths occur mainly among the elderly.
Trajectory leveling off
On a statewide level, the trajectory of new COVID-19 cases appears to be leveling off.
Based on Johns Hopkins University data, the gap in a week’s worth of daily new COVID-19 cases and a month’s worth of daily new cases is now running 24-27 percent vs. 35-40 percent in previous weeks. This suggests a peaking or leveling off in the increase of new COVID-19 cases in North Carolina.
Texas and Florida, meanwhile, are seeing increasing case loads.