Using Johns Hopkins University’s data, Cornelius Today compiled a chart of North Carolina’s new confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day from May 10 through June 9. While it appears that North Carolina’s numbers of contraction are on the rise, it is important to note that anomalies may occur in North Carolina’s data reporting. The state’s average number of new daily cases since May 10 is 734 and its median is 710. The past seven-day average and median are significantly higher, at 1,030 and 907, respectively. The increasing seven-day aggregates indicate either an upward trend in confirmed cases or more accessibility to testing. On June 8 and 9, the new cases seemingly dropped 892 and 710, respectively. We cannot make any assertions about cases declining with only two days worth of data. If there is a trend, we will know within a week or two.
June 10. UPDATED. By Dave Yochum. A few days after Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, called state health officials about our worsening COVID-19 data, the NC Dept. of Health and Human Services reported 1,011 new cases of COVID-19 Wednesday, and 24 new deaths. Meanwhile, the number of hospitalized due to COVID-19 reached a new high.
On Tuesday, hospitalizations statewide set a record, which was broken today. The numbers are:
Cases: 38,171
Deaths: 1,053
Hospitalized: 780
Testing is climbing quickly, but not quickly enough, according to Birx. While each state is different as are their trajectories of the disease, North Carolina is now logging more new COVID-19 cases than New York and New Jersey, the epicenter of the pandemic.
UPDATE: Orange County, home of Durham, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough and Mebane, has announced it would require people to wear face masks entering any store or restaurant starting Friday.
NCDHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen said she is “very appreciative of that call” from Birx because she is looking at the same data. It’s going in the wrong direction, Cohen said.
North Carolina opened up more commerce and industry May 22. In the meantime, the worrisome numbers have caught national attention.
The average number of new daily COVID-19 cases in North Carolina is in excess of 1,000, based on data from Johns Hopkins University. In New York, the daily average during the past week is 920; in New Jersey, 464. Both states are larger, more densely populated, and further along in the pandemic’s trajectory.
Both North and South Carolina have seen a rise in hospitalizations. Nationwide, North Carolina had the second-largest spike in the nation behind Texas.
The day after Memorial Day, NCDHHS reported 621 hospitalizations but two weeks later, that number has climbed to 774.
The median number of new cases each day in North Carolina was 710 during the past 30 days. During the past seven days, the median is 907, according to Johns Hopkins data.
Positive results are running at about 9 percent of the tests run. During Phase 2, the positive cases ranged between 6 percent and 7 percent.
Total deaths in Mecklenburg County climbed by six over night to 117; cases rose from 5,744 yesterday to 5,861 today.
Data from Johns Hopkins University, which we track at Cornelius Today as well as NCDHHS data, shows North Carolina is on an upward trend.
The state data show a disproportionate impact on people of color, with African Americans accounting for a third of all COVID-19 deaths.
Governor Cooper signed Executive Order No. 143 to help address the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 is having on communities of color. A special task force is directed to address systematic disparities in North Carolina.
Stakeholders include: community policing advocates, state and local law enforcement agencies, justice-involved individuals, representatives of the judicial branch and individuals from marginalized populations.