Hundreds of people turned out for Memorial Day ceremonies at Town Hall today in spite of weather that alternated between clouds and light rain. American Legion Post 86 hosted the event in the Community Room at Town Hall where the National Anthem was sung by the Mooresville Senior High School Choir. The keynote speaker was Maj. Gen. James B. Mallory III
(Ret.), who is also the chairman of the Iredell County Board of Commissioners. Rev. David Judge, pastor First Baptist Church, gave the invocation. The deafening 21-gun salute was held outside on the steps of Town Hall. Cub Scout Troop 72 was on hand as well as members of Post 86 Women’s auxiliary who placed a remembrance wreath on the MIA/POW Empty Chair.
Memorial Day honors those who have given the ultimate sacrifice during active service. Post 86 placed hundreds of flags on graves at the Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery. The master of ceremonies was Commander Gene McKnney of Post 86. The welcome was given by Mayor Pro Tem Michael Miltich.