Feb. 26. The NC League of Conservation Voters unveiled scores for the North Carolina delegation. Leading the bottom was U.S. Sen. Richard Burr, with a score of 0 from the environmental group.
“Once again, far too many members of Congress were complicit in extreme attacks on our environment, but allies like Congresswoman Adams, Congressman Price, and Congressman Butterfield stand out for putting North Carolina values first,” said NCLCV’s director of governmental affairs, Dan Crawford. “Despite last year being the hottest year on record, members like Senator Burr and Congresswoman Ellmers put their polluting allies first.”
The 2014 Scorecard covers the top environment, energy and public health votes cast during the second session of the 113th Congress. It includes 35 House votes, which ties the record for the most votes ever scored in a single year and is testament to House leadership’s relentless assault on everything from climate action and clean water to endangered species and public lands. Fortunately, the House’s polluter agenda was blocked by environmental champions in the Senate. The Senate’s ability to stop these environmental assaults, in part, accounts for the unusually low number of five Senate votes in the 2014 Scorecard.
In North Carolina, three House members earned a score of 80 percent or greater on the 2014 Scorecard, while eight House members and one Senator earned a score of 10 percent or less. The average House score in 2014 for North Carolina was 27 percent and the average Senate score was 30 percent, both below the national average.
The Conservation Voters Scores for the North Carolina’s Congressional Delegation 2014:
Sen. Richard Burr, 0%
Sen. Kay Hagan, 60%
Rep. G.K. Butterfield, 91%
Rep. Renee Ellmers, 3%
Rep. Walter Jones, 17%
Rep. David Price, 97%
Rep. Virginia Foxx, 3%
Rep. Howard Coble, 3%
Rep. Mike McIntyre, 26%
Rep. Richard Hudson, 3%
Rep. Robert Pittenger, 3%
Rep. Patrick McHenry, 3%
Rep. Mark Meadows, 3%
Rep. Alma Adams, 100%
Rep. George Holding, 3%