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Cornelius News

Cornelius Town Board opposes school bonds

Oct. 3. By Dave Vieser. At their October 2 meeting, the Cornelius Town Board adopted a resolution opposing the $922 million bond issue proposed by Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (CMS). The vote was 4-1, with Commissioner Thurman Ross opposed. The resolution adopted by the board states, in part, that “this bond package does not provide the North Mecklenburg area with sufficient school Infrastructure now and in the foreseeable future and the delay in addressing the needs within areas of growth will have the potential to burden the economic and residential viability in Cornelius, since the current available schools are already at over capacity.”

Most of the bond proceeds would be used to relieve overcrowding in the southern and eastern portions of the county. “This is a fairness issue, said Commissioner Dave Gilroy. “We need to speak out for our needs now.” Mayor Pro Tem Woody Washam agreed, but also pointed out that he supports continuing to work with CMS. “While we don’t agree on the bonds, I generally support the district administration and feel they are doing some great things.”

In casting the sole vote against the resolution, Commissioner Ross said “we need to look at the big district wide picture.” Cornelius Resident Pam Jones was the only resident to speak on the subject. “It makes me sad that this has devolved into an ‘us vs. them’ situation. North Mecklenburg has benefitted from previous bond issues. Yes, there has been overcrowding here but it’s that way all throughout the district. Let’s invest in all the district’s children…not just the children in our zip code”.

Also at Monday’s Meeting the board:

+ Retained C Design of Charlotte and Holzman Moss Bottino Architecture of New York to provide pre-design Architectural Services for the town’s new Arts Center for an initial fee of $166,000. The Project will be located on a 1.85 acre parcel on Catawba Avenue across from Town Hall and may include a flexible space theater, ceramics studio, gallery space, classrooms, digital lab, food services, gift shop, community or special events room, and outdoor plaza suitable for performance events. Onsite parking may be provided as surface level or in a parking structure. See story in Business Today: http://businesstodaync.com/famed-architect-joins-cornelius-arts-center-design-team/

+ Annexed 51.48 acres of property located at the northeast corner of Bailey Road and Barnhardt Road, in conjunction with the Forest at Bailey’s Glen II development.

+ Accepted a $ 1 million State Block Grant for the development of the Westmoreland Road multi-use path from McDowell Creek Greenway to Washam Potts Road, and a $200,000 state grant for the development of the McDowell Creek Greenway between Magnolia Estates Drive at West Catawba Avenue and Westmoreland Road.