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Cornelius News

405 gallons of wastewater reaches lake

Paradise Cove is off Peninsula Point

June 30. About 405 gallons of wastewater overflow spilled into Lake Norman off ​Paradise Cove Court​, not far from Jetton Road. A total of 810 gallons​ was spilled, according to Charlotte Water. Utility officials said a truck driver accidentally broke a pipe​.​

There is a no-swim advisory in effect.

A no-swimming advisory issued by the county will be lifted when Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services staff decides the water is “safe for human contact.”

Anything put in plumbing or a manhole can cause wastewater overflows, spilling raw sewage into your street or even inside your own home. ​P​roducts labeled as “flushable” do not break​ ​down in the sewer system and can ​also ​contribute to clogging.